Week 2 Reading Overview

 I'll be reading the version Tiny Tales from the Ramayana since being an entirely new idea for this semester seems interesting and having bite-sized stories allows me to get a taste of every tale and figure out which ones would pull me in deeper to read more on my own. The Lord of Lanka: The Rise and Fall of a Demon King and Vishvamitra: The King Who Became an Ascetic are the comics that pique my interest the most, with a chronicle of a fallen demon king having a cool title by nature, and the rise of a king to a spiritual leader also seems heavily interesting. Ancient Technology - Atlantis and India and Rama and the Ramayana: Crash Course World Mythology #27 seem cool because I'm wondering what they'll cover about Atlantis, and Crash Course is just always an enjoyable watch. I added this image of Hayagriva and Brahma because I'm curious what's going on in the photo since it seems like one is blessing the other with an object of some sort.


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