Reading Notes: The Merchant of Seri

 - The Merchant of Seri's storyline is one that fits the Cyberpunk universe easily. There is a black market in Cyberpunk, so a fair amount of bartering and trading objects of worth is present in the world. Rather than trading brass and tinware, I could have merchants trading cybernetic implants or weapons and ammo.

- A story can be told in a few conversations. The Merchant of Seri is nothing more than a conversation between the grandmother and the first merchant, followed by an exchange with her granddaughter, and then a conversation with the second merchant. Keep dialogue interesting and moving so that it does not feel like extra fluff.

- In the original story the merchant escapes across the river by boat, but there's no dividing segment like that within Night City. Instead that could be replaced with access to a housing area for the elite, or just a new apartment.

A golden bowl

Web source: Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt


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