Week 14 Story: The Guilty Guards

Night City is a place where anyone who needs anything can get it anywhere at anytime. That is, if they have the right resources. Every day, guns are hired to get jobs done, whether it be simple hit jobs, complex robberies, or just sending messages to the competition in the area. But in this line of work, this means high risk high reward jobs that stray from the norm pay the most. In doing so, this requires high stress relief. But where can mercenaries all go after hours to relax and kickback, enjoying a drink or two before their next gig? Cue the Afterlife. Known as one of the most prestigious clubs in Night City, one could only gain access by having a reputation behind their name, as the club only served to the hottest mercs in the city. For a club to be so exclusive, the service provided was a cut above the norm, with the alcohol following suit. Many rare and discontinued liquors could be found at the Afterlife. When the club died down during business hours, staff would take thi...